Monday, October 12, 2009

Healthy living

About 10 million children
between the ages of six and nineteen are considered over weight. Along with a healthy diet and a reasonable amount of physical activity, schools also play a part in children’s health and can help in preventing obesity. Providing mandatory physical education for every student will help ensure the children are moving and getting some form of exercise. Another way to give children a chance to be active is allowing a decent amount of recess. Can schools help prevent child obesity by providing mandatory physical education with the combination of daily recess?Elementary schools across the country have started to view the negative sides to allowing aggressive games during recess for the students. They have begun to change recess into a more gentle experience to avoid children getting hurt physically and even emotionally. Suggestions have been made to create a better social atmosphere such as, taking laps around the play area, and picking up litter. The children’s parents, however, are against these suggestions and believe doing away with a more active recess with eventually cause obesity. Obesity can be prevented in schools by children participating in gym, after school sports and activities as well as recess. Although most schools understand the importance of engaging in physical activity, 20% of elementary schools in the United States have gotten rid of recess to increase the amount of class time. According to American Heart Association, one of the most important ways in preventing obesity is increasing physical activity.

Obesity can create numerous health risks such as diabetes and can affect a young child’s self esteem. School is a place to receive an education but it should also be a place that is healthy and beneficial towards every student’s life. Very few schools require physical education and with the thought that recess is unbeneficial what might young students look like a few years from now? Every school needs to promote healthy living so children will understand the importance of daily activity and a well balanced diet.

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